Comic Books for Kids: Education at Its Finest

Kids and Comics Can Mix Well

Since last October, comic book distributors ordered a record setting $54 million worth in hardcover comic book titles, and not long ago, Dark Horse announced the addition of four new kids comic book titles in 2015. Marvel recently chose to add a little diversity, and two of its major characters will be overhauled.

All this seems to indicate that comic books and graphic novels are becoming more popular. One must wonder:  are comics and graphic novels beneficial to children and younger readers?


It’s no secret that kids love books with big, colorful imagery. Researchers discovered that colored visuals increased willingness to read by 80%, and comprehension by as much as 73%. With color, depth, and expression, comics and graphic novel offer readers tons of material to explore.

This exploration goes beyond the visuals.

Kids who start reading comics and graphic novels may move on to larger, more “socially acceptable” books.

With all that in mind, here is basic reasoning:

  1. Visuals increase willingness to read and reading comprehension
  2. Kids love visuals, and comics are very visual
  3. Kids who love comics may read more often
  4. Kids who read often can develop stronger comprehension, communication, and language skills
  5. Kids with stronger skills may have an easier time in the classroom and beyond

Still Skeptical? Follow in the ways of Scholastic

Never behind the trend, Scholastic produced a guide for teachers and librarians outlining how graphic novels and comic books can be used in education. The comprehensive guide also discusses how graphic novels combine elements found in picture books, novels, poetry, and film.

It’s no secret that Scholastic is benefiting from the promotion, but fact of the matter: educators without an agenda also stand behind the educational benefits comic books and graphic novels offer.

What Really Matters:

  • Graphic novels and comic books can provide many benefits to children – comprehension,  language and more
  • The industry is trying to meet the needs of parents and fans by diversifying its material = more options for parents and kids
  • Graphic novels and comic books are becoming more accepted in the classroom

Our graphic novel was created with parents and educators in mind. Read a review by Dr. Katie Monnin, a pioneer of using graphic novels in the classroom.

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